Sorry Peter for my bad work

Sorry Peter for my bad work.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I think Kodular should not use nor collect this data.

lol why was my post flagged as off topic i literally said that this topic shouldn’t exist

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

You’re right.

Yes, you are right

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I am 8… Do you believe?
Not everything in the Internet is true :slight_smile:

I am actually 13 almost 14… same age group as Yoshi

Where is my specs, i think i became old.

Nope :sweat_smile:
When I was 8 I was just thinking of how can I got out and play and my mom don’t catches me :sweat_smile::rofl:

Btw, I am 18 :grin:


Hey you are cheating :joy:

Actually you can see it from my profile

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I don’t know why, but sometimes I feel like @WatermelonIce & @Yoshi you both are same :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::sweat_smile:

Yeah… I also think it sometimes

What? Really? Why???

Yep, don’t know :grimacing::zipper_mouth_face:

The same?? Wdym :joy:

Same person with two account

We are thousands of kilometers away… and we are just same age group, nothing else!

We are friends and our major differences:

  1. He is REGULAR, and I am not :sob: :sweat_smile:
  2. He was online ALL the time, while I had no access for about two months I think

Um… :flushed: