Stackoverflow Error when testing button in app

i’v got a button in my app underneath my play button
everytime i got to test it to goto next page i get
java.lang.stackoverflowerror: stack size 8188kb what could possible be causing this error
to show, i’v tried eveything!!!

coolvibesreloaded_copy.aia (1.3 MB)
here’s my aia


you created an endless loop
unfortunately we can’t see the complete blocks in your screenshot…
also usually you first set the parameters of the activity starter component and then use the StartActivity method


my aia file is there @Taifun but what loop have i done?

If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you …
You probably will get more feedback then…

which means in your case post a screenshot of your relevant blocks…

To download the aia file, upload it to Kodular, open it, do some bug hunting for you, etc… this takes time, and most people will not do that…
Thank you.


What I can see on this screenshot is that your activity starter settings are nonsense. Read the documents for activity starter here Activity Starter - Kodular Docs

Also it’s not clear what your intention is using an activity starter

on the home screen were the play button is underneath there
is a button in which i would like people to press it and goto the next screen?

but now i can’t seem to get my home link to show up on my menu from requests


AIA File

coolvibesreloaded_copy (1).aia (1.3 MB)

YES i’v done things i’v tested the request page menu can’t seem to get the home link to show
its showing on my screen1 menu but NOT my request page!!

YES i’m learning!! but i thought you had to use activity starter in order to open the menu

switch screens correctly!

and learn the basics!

A very good way to learn App Inventor or Kodular is to read the free Inventor’s Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps … the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book ‘teaches’ users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here Course In A Box and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: How do you...? .

Also do the tutorials Our Tutorials! to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor


“Yes That’s All good, But I want to go from the Request Screen back to screen1?”

So what exactly prevents you from following the method of switching screens correctly?


don’t worry i’v fixed it Tai!!! miner glitch lol

had to set this

thanks anyways

No you did not

I’ve tested the app it works