Status: Account Terminated

can anyone explain why my account terminate.

Status: Account Terminated

Your Developer account remains terminated due to prior violations of the [Developer Program Policies]and [Developer Distribution Agreement] by this or associated, previously terminated Google Play Developer accounts.

Issue found: High Risk Behavior

We have identified a pattern of high risk or abuse associated with your Developer Account and are taking this action pursuant to the [Policy Coverage policy]

Actually my last account war terminated then i bought new device and using new internet connection. on my new device i also used my several other gmails which I also used on old device but on these gmails id i dont have Google developer account. In my thought may be this is the reason for termination that these gmail account were also used on termination device.

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Check your developer account email inbox. Google sent you an email with the reason.

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Note: Any new account that you try to open will be terminated as well (without a refund of the developer registration fee), so please do not attempt to register for a new Play Console account while one of your other accounts are terminated.


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