Steps to sign, update and publish your application in Google Play Store, Api 30 Android 11

Nah you didn’t show me because you said that was sensitive information.

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I did all the tutorials, but none of them were successful. Does anyone know when there will be an update to android 11, or another platform that I can switch to android 11? Because I need to publish a stream radio app urgently. Thanks.

Write me mp so I can help you modify your Apk and convert it to AAB

Try this tool It is very simple to use and you don’t have to have java


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I done everything as you said. Even i generated the private key.

When I upload the Private key to Developer console, the following error is occuring.

Help needed @bodymindpower @Shreyaa

i never enroll in App Signing by Play

You can sign AAB file without play signing

download key store from kodular creator and use jarsigner for signing or if you use the tool then use sign aab option

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See my second link that I last posted.
When was the previous version released on the Play Store and in what format (APK or AAB)?


Stiil not update in API 30?

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