Strang behaviour on copy pasting arrangements

Describe your issue

Devastating experience on 1.4C.0 while copy and pasting an arrangement. Pasted an arrangement one time, but it seems pasted infinitely.

Steps to reproduce the issue

Expected Behaviour

Actual Behaviour

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Android version

Tried it myself but can not get the same effect. Can you describe exactly how to reproduce this effect?

Let me do a few experiments before I submit detailed information.

If I remember correctly, you can’t copy and paste an arrangement within itself. You’ll set off an infinite loop.

Yes, you’re absolutely correct. I never tried to paste an arrangement within it’s parent arrangement. But we can see it on image above, it got pasted inside parent arrangement.

Done some checks, but don’t know what was the problem.

This is very clear that arrangements are pasted inside parent arrangement. But I never tried to paste it inside.

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