Strange issue with admob interstitial ad videos and images

  1. when admob.interstitial ad opened
    Perform action X
  2. when admob.interstitial ad closed
    Perform action Y

X and Y both works fine when interstitial ad is an photo/image. But does not work when interstitial ad is a video.

Hi @Innovator Welcome to Kodular Community
It would be helpful for us to solve your problem if you can show an example.

Case 1: when interstitial ad is an image(Just like page with realty advertisement with open/close button)
Step 1: Event when admob.interstitial ad opened (ad loads and image is shown)
clock1.timerEnabed is set to FALSE
Step 2: Event when admob.interstitial ad closed (ad is closed by using close button)
clock1.timerEnabed is set to TRUE
Result: TIMER is stopped when ad is loaded. Again it continues when TIMER is enabled.

Case 2: when interstitial ad is a video (Just like full screen with video advertisement for 30 seconds. After 30 sec close button is available)
Step 1: Event when admob.interstitial ad opened (ad loads and video starts playing)
clock1.timerEnabed is set to FALSE
Step 2: Event when admob.interstitial ad closed (ad is closed by using close button)
clock1.timerEnabed is set to TRUE
Result: TIMER is NOT stopped when ad is loaded. Rather TIMER is running as it was earlier without video ad.

Please show relevant blocks also.

Screenshot from 2020-05-23 16-38-38

when question number is multiple of 5, I am loading the ad and showing it.
Those are two when events for ad opened and closed.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Sorry, Ads is not my field to work upon.

Please do not tag people to just get attention. They will look into this as fast as they can…

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