StreamPitch browse small and passionate content creators

What is the name of your app?


Describe your app:

The YouTube algorithm favors channels with already high subscribers, or videos of trendy topics. When you have to upload constantly to be recommended, it can harm the quality of your videos.

With this app, content creators can display their work without the noise of YouTube, like ads or other related videos. The UI has all the information you need, like a little description of the channel, other videos and socials.

Users can store the creator and visit the channel in other occasion. They can also hate a channel to never be displayed again with the option to give a second chance later.

The channels are sorted out randomly, giving equal chance to be displayed. Categories are included depending on the number of channels applying for the same category.

Promoted channels are meant to give a “final” push to a channel so it can graduate from the app and be removed. There will be no premium packages nor in-app purchases.

The app has no ads, all the content is property of the original owners, applying is completely free and the creators can opt out whenever they like

I am currently looking for small content creators. If you have a small YouTube channel you want to promote, DM me to know more. (English only for the moment)


The Beta of the app will be released once I get at least 15 content creators for at least 10 categories


Great app and UI. Good job​:+1: