Suggested extension or solution for creating dynamic links (anyone who finds a solution / extension will get $ 15)

I want to create dynamic links to my application and found no way to do it. If anyone can create an extension or find a solution to it, they’ll get 15$ off me (and if it is a new component in the next update of kodular I’ll donate to kodular the money). Anyway, here’s something that might help you find the solution to this: Receive Firebase Dynamic Links on Android  |  Firebase

So, are you trying to fetch URL from database? :thinking:

Well, I don’t know about extensions

But what I do know is that Dynamic Links / Firebase Invites requires modification of the manifest, something I don’t know if it’s possible by an extension


Judging by what has to be added to the manifest, you are right. Someone asked about this on the App Inventor Dev group once and Evan said it’s not possible.


See this topic Question about extension
I also want deep linking but the answer I got all the time is it is not possible to do for now so I don’t think someone could create this type of extension but I think I have a solution for it


Could a Kodular team be able to solve this?

This video will explain what dynamic links are:YouTube