Suggestion for building an extension

Hello, I need an extension for the service: monedata,
monedata is a way to get money from your application without ads or requesting payment from the user,
how does it work? monedata collects information (anonymously and legally) and from the information obtained monedata will reward you. Here is a link to monedata website:
And here is a link to the installation guide (SDK): Setup SDK - Monedata
I would be very happy if anyone could create an extension for this amazing service.


I think so if anyone will make this extension, but it will be a kind of Ads Extension. And it’s not allowed.

I do not think there should be a problem with it because it is not a component of advertisements (I also do not think it is possible to take a commission from it)
In addition, if the Kodular will add this component I will be happy to use (I’m in any case paying the commission removal)

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Hi @Point
Thanks for sharing the sdk documentation.
I am willing to make an extension for this after finishing current projects(3-4 days) but need someone for beta testing.


I will be happy to help!

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Don’t forget your mandatory beta testers :raising_hand_man::grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Is someone able to find jar file?

Can you elaborate on that? Unfortunately I still do not know how to build extensions so I do not think I can help you (but of course I can help check the extension)

We need a Jar file to add extra features (which are not available in Java) in extension just like we need extension to add extra features in app.
And unfortunately it does not seems possible at the moment because Monedata does not provide a Jar file.

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I will check with monedata what we can do

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Maybe we can use this?
(For the below link…)
username 'publishers’
password 'npg2EgmmbwbNMte8’

Aar File


just extract classes.jar from the aar file and use it.

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If this solution works it will be great! monedata said they do not support Jar file (because it is outdated)

No, it’s not yet supported by App Inventor.

We have to wait until This will be implemented in the next updates.


Very excited. i hope to see in near future.

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I think, you should create a MYSQL DATABASE like Deephost which will work like Airtable in Kodular and blocks like Airtable Spreadseed will be easy.

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You can create the WhatsApp stickers extension! It would be great!! :blue_heart::pray:t2::pray:t2::blue_heart:

It already exists

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It’s doesn’t work. I have contacted with the Dev… @Point
So if you can do it… :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: