Suggestion to Develop a Camera App with Live Annotation and Text on Camera Preview

Hi All,

I want some suggestions with you guys about a Camera application. That gives opportunity to draw on the live preview Circles, Rectangles and Text etc to Annotate an Object, Building or Equipment for Inspection purposes. I know with SurfaceView we can get a live view with Camera sensor but What will be the correct method to draw on it and write some text inside a text box. An image is attached

that shows ideal output of the desired app.

what video player u use exo,normal?

use this extension for showing video in vsa,use dynamic label and place it in same arangement i am not sure for drawing shapes but drawing label works

It will use SurfaceView component Not a Video Player.
First It will display a live prieview like when we open a Camera App. Then Allows to Draw and Write Some text etc i.e annotate it. Then take the picture with all of it’s annotations.

sorry i forgot,try putting dynamic label in surface view component
blocks (38)

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Now I understood, But what about drawing shapes on etc…

put canvas inside surface view

set canvas background color to none(transperent)(ffffff00)

also make canvas width,height fill parent
now in canvas
u can make shapes
for exampleblocks (39)
also leave the mind of dynamic label
blocks (40)

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I am doing the same right now…
and trying to save the picture with these annotations. circle and text etc