
Hi, does “TaifunNotification” extension works with kodular?

However see this note in the documentation App Inventor Extensions: Notification | Pura Vida Apps

This is a simple notification extension and currently only runs on older Android versions, i.e. < Android 8. Therefore my recommendation is to use one of the other available notification extensions, see also here.

You also might be interested in my new Alarm Manager Extension with Notifications, which still works also if your app is not running.


I used this extension with MitUp Inventor almost four years ago and it works fine.
But using the same code in Kodular, it didn’t work. I do not know why?

I can’t see you using any block from the extension?
Which Android version are you using for your tests?


I use samsung galaxy A20e / Android Version 11
This bloc in Screen1

Read again carefully my first answer