I’m so dumb! but and as you can see in the new edit part,
I notice no one wants me to make some templates, I think I’m bad at AI lol, it’s a chance for people to want AIAs from someone and now when they are asked to give someone an idea in return for the AIA, they dont want it, it’s only when they want it, it’s on their time when they choose. They choose the projects they want ththe AIA from but, when they have a chance, they dont want it?
I am Samuel (Founder of Hybro)
I started to learn AI in 2014, and I discovered Thunkable in November 2017 when I search “Admob App Inventor” in Google, I discovered Makeroid and Appy Builder in December 2018, and they looks great, so I moved to Makeroid
i ha each day school at 7:40 am until 17:40 than i had 50 mins free time and than i had my master school until 10:00 pm and this 4 years long. Butt same for me i startet witth app inventor than i saw thunkable, changed to them but i needed more exttension and features. tthan i changed to appybuilder and after a half year there i cchanged the last time the builder tto makeroid. i started to develope from scratch 4 times.
Oops, It should be 2017 Lol
I Found First Time Appybuilder Nearby 1Year Ago And I Learned To Creat Own App The First App Was My "Hello World !" When I Learned Something New I Made An Earning App Using Admobe , After That I Found Makeroid The Makeroid Was Best For Me Becouse It Was So Fast And Much More Effective , Soft And Componenet Full , Now It's So Slow
Finally I Made A Brouser App By Makeroid And Published It On Playstore Now I Am Working On A Big Project Now I Can Say Everythig Can Creat With Kodular
I Am So Happy To Using Kodular`
So after learning Something New, you directly went for developing an EARNING APP? Seriously?
Oh! wow what a great way to apply your Newly Learned Knowledge!
Thank You !
:heart_eyes:I Am Serious And It's 100% true
Kodular is a fortune maker
Yes your are right
Actually I was Sarcastic here .
I don’t know why you developed An EARNING APP, when it was possible to develop a Great App with your newly gained knowledge.
I started AI 1 year ago and found Thunkable ( I was attrated to the material design of it) then found Appybuilder which supports custom package name and then one day landed to Makeroid’s Countdown page which is now Kodular !!!
That Was Possible But Not For Me Becouse I Can’t Say That I Have Learned Fully At That Time , But Now Iam On the Way Of Great App
I found AI 1 year 2 months ago. It starts from my office, they needed a simple web app. At that time I only know about appgyser website. After few days searching on Google about how to make a android web app then I get an desktop app to make web app easily. Then after 2 month I found thinkable video on YouTube. Video about how to change label text on button click. After watching that video I really wanted to try by myself. So I followed the instructions and right after a month 1 found Mr Dom on YouTube, he make awesome tutorial videos. I started watching his videos and then someone posted a commented on his video and mentioned makeroid. And right there i found this awesome website.
I learned a lot from this platform. My web development knowledge also help me to understand the logic and make app using that logic. Overall i am very happy that i found kodular.
Thank you kodular team.
I also found Thunkable first and then started there… , When I used to see tutorial for Thunkable it showed me some for appybuilder and makeroid , but I didn’t switch to any one of these than after a long gap I really need some feature of makeroid and searched for that but makeroid was no more… , it showed me Kodular
, I really got confused
and when joined got everything
, I started using kodular and I now don’t go to Thunkable any more , What the best part of kodular is active community and its features, No AI have better community than kodular, few days ago I joined appybuilder community too, but really got bored as very few people reply and mostly with no solutions and the topic remains unreplyed(ignored)
But kodular is not same, it is something from which every AI platform must learn…
About 2 years ago I was in a little problem and the problem led me to these app inventor platforms. Let’s hear the story.
I am a public servant. About 2 years ago we formed an organisation to protest against the autocratic decisions made by higher authority. We were being pressurised in such a way that we could not take station-leave to have discussions about agendas, what-to-do etc. with our members.
Now we had to communicate with our members with several docs, petitions etc. Thus we thought about making an website for our organisation and we thought of making it with Blogger as it was free. Sounds silly? I know. And it didn’t help much as none of us were familiar with HTML or any programming languages. Then it was decided how about if we make an app which could be easy to use. We searched Google and found many online app making services like Appgeyser etc. But we found that we cannot moderate/manipulate the content as it was with fixed components. We, then, searched for a developer who can make an app with CMS (content management system). Many of them declared charge amounting 15k-25k INR (about 300 USD). We fall back. This was too much.
Then with personal effort (specially YouTube helped me a lot) I came to know about Thunkable and AppyBuilder and with time I learnt how to Code. Best part is My first ever and Worst ever fully functioned app was about the Organisational communication. Many of us can recall the CloudStitch component. I used ListViewer to show important ‘WhatToDo’ with spreadsheet (Cloudstitch). And yes,It could not go much further with limitations and it was dropped within sometimes but till then situations were improved.
Even still now, everyone talks about my effort to get connected digitally.