The Big Wishlist

It seems this is outdated version. Try to get latest version or local instance.
Or try MIT App Inventor


Maybe they can also add a Progress bar thing separate from the dialog… So like Android studio


App Inventor shall be adding it, so let’s wait if they add it, otherwise, we will add it soon.

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Why waiting for them? Can’t we just “Go on”?

Until they add it to their builder, we would already have a new release and with that release it would be great to see a ProgressBar.

If they even add it, it won’t have ANY Material Design at all (I’m %99 sure) so even if they add it, why are you waiting?

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If they add it later, then their aia file won’t be compatible with Makeroid.

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Oh, understood now.

(btw, have you seen this?:

@admins can you give some sneak-peaks on what’s coming with the next update :yum:

I’m so excited about it :blush:

Hey @Makeroid,

Can you mark unmarked ideas on the wishlist page for us to know what’s going to be added or not?


…or do you need time discussing them?

(wislist update.)

  • Approved Battery Sensor.
  • Approved the ability to copy created screens.
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A little Tip:
You can edit your posts, so you dont have to make a new post every time you got an inspiration or vision. (you did over 30 posts in this thread :wink: )


I know that.

And I edit them :slight_smile:.

Look how many edit’s I’ve done to the main thread.

Seen them?


No, we mean that you post like 100 posts and you want us to reply that. Make 1 post/reply and put stuff into it.


But I seperate content, OK. From now on, I would create only one post for all the content.

I’d like a kind of semi-transparent screen that shows on the front, to highlight some areas. (I’ve used the Twitter app, and edited it with an image editor)


I’ve seen something like this in the community before where everyone was talking about something like this, but can’t find the post now.

But I would also like to see something like this :slight_smile:

We’re working on this already


Add this to the list: