The operation Picture cannot accept the arguments: , [*nothing*]

Use FileTools extension to get correct path

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Dora, I did everything as you asked but the error keeps appearing.
Before doing this entire process, I just did it with the FileTools extension:
1 - clicking on an image opens the option “Complete the action using Photos” on my cell phone. I select Photos and then the photo I want. It downloads and then shows on the screen either emulating the message "The operation Text cannot accept the arguments: ,[nothing] on the screen. When I removed the label extension it opened the image.

2 - firebase storage and firebase database using the extension and apk installed, same error.
I’ll make the aia available. I will test it on another cell phone to see if the problem is on my cell phone.

Galeria_de_Imagens.aia (58.8 KB)


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Dora and other colleagues, thank you very much once again for helping me.

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Just for the record the FileTools extension helped a lot because the error stopped happening.

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