There was a problem parsing the package

I’m having an issue. I exported my apk to my computer and then downloaded to my mobile phone. After all whenever I try to install this apk, my mobile phone shows this issue: “There was a problem parsing the package”. I tried a few things actually a lot of things but all of this never worked. My brain tired so much. Guys, if you help to my issue I’m gonna be grateful to you guys.

First suggestion: Wrong package name.

Look here:

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You tried loads of thing till your brain got tired but you forgot to try one and the most important thing Search the Community :mag:

I got 43 results just by writing the error line you received :point_down:
There was a problem parsing the package
Hope one of them will have your answer.

If only you had done this, you would have saved a lot of your precious time including the time consumed in writing/opening a new topic