There was a problem with my application signup

There was a problem with my application. If you click on sign up before my application is released in the Play Store, It will be signed up. But after giving it to the Play Store, It don’t sign up anymore

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I don’t think that publishing an apk on play store does that. I recommend you to firstly check the same apk that you published on Playstore

I checked that it is my application. I’m giving you the link uploaded to my play store and I’m giving you the link without uploading.
Play store :-

@Asraful_Islam , If the current app (made with Kodular) works then try to replace the playstore on with current and then check

Less then 10 installs since february 4th but already a satisfied user. I always wonder if you know the person who wrote the review. :grin:


This is because app is signed with Google keystore, search the community for this issue…

If you Are Using Firebase For Login & Signup System and You Have Uploaded it into playstore and then login System is not working,
then I will Recommend you to link firbase with playstore by Coping the Code in the playstore
there will be 3 SHA Code like that
Just Copy The Second One Code And Paste into or link to Firebase Project

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