This problem occurred while updating the app on google console

So what have you used in your app so your existing users get the latest updates

I made this a book app. In the first version, many characters were typed incorrectly. A new version was created by correcting them

I am asking a different question and you are answered a different question

my app link

Are you used any data base to provide updates to user in your old app


That’s why you are getting the error

Go through this guide this will help you

Update system type 1

Update system type 2

Change your version code and increase it
Like from 1 to 1.1

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@Sonam_Gupta 's reply should fix the issue. You can’t rollout same version twice.


No. What is the version code of the previous app and what is the version code of the current app?
The version of the current app must be higher than the previous app.

So if the version code of the previous app was 53, the current one must be at least 54.

I forgot to change version code of one app on last rollout. It’s live on store. :relaxed:

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Is there any other Internal Test, Alpha or Beta track?

Thank you all very much. My problem is solved

Fine, but tell us what the problem was so that others can learn from it.

My problem was solved after adding 1 to the version code and version name

Yes, that was what I already said in the beginning, but you posted this:

So why didn’t that work: 24690 > 24689 ?
What is the version code that you use now?

This is a screenshot posted after my problem has been solved.

How about marking the correct answer as the solution.
That would save us further inquiries.