Thumb Tube (thumbnail, tag, description downloader app)

App name : Thumb Tube

“Thumb Tube” is a user friendly & easy to use app that helps you to download/save or get
thumbnails,Tags,Description of trending videos.

How to use:

We give two options for download video thumbnail. One by search video in app then download
other share the video link through app.
I. Download by app

  1. You can enter video link…
  2. Click on download.
  3. Click “Download Option Menu” & You’re done.
    II. By Share video link
  1. Select video link
  2. Share the link
  3. Choose “Thumb Tube” in list app
    You’re done
    Contact Us: [email protected]
    If you encounter any problem or if you have any suggestions/opinions to make our app better.
    Please feel free to contact us.

Remove the YouTube video downloading function other wise your app will reject by Google


this app not download YouTube video only thumbnails downloader s

Awesome User Interface. Keep Going.

You not understood what I am saying
Simple answer you can’t publish this app in play store until you remove the YouTube video download function and thumbnail Download function also

But many thumbnail downloader app already published on play store.

I would recommend you to remove Download thumbnails functionality from your app. If Google algorithm will catch you, then your app might get suspended. Sometimes your app may get a green signal from Google even if it is violating the policies. This happens because the apps we submit for review is checked by bots, not by humans. Hope you get it. :slight_smile:

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OK I’m not publishing this app on any App Store

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