Time picker problem


An user send me a problem with my app,
He cannot select Time on the Time picker. Buttons are not visible…

He is on Huawei P20 (Oreo 8.0)
Screen is set to responsive
What should I do ?
Thanks for your help!

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Salut Clément,

Quel est le réglage de l’orientation du premier écran (Screen1) ?
Ce bug peut arriver quand on passe successivement du mode paysage au mode portrait.

Hi, Clément,

What is the Screen1 orientation setting?

This bug can happen when you switch successively from landscape mode to portrait mode.

Je suis en landscape, quel serait le plus adapté ?

I am in landscape, what choice should I do?

Si ton application à été conçue pour n’être utilisée sur en mode paysage, je ne pense pas qu’il y a air d’autres solutions que celle que je t’ai énuméré : mettre ton téléphone à l’horizontale avant de lancer l’application, cela va forcer le mode paysage
Avec Android Studio une solution pouvait être envisageable, mais Kodular n’est pas Android Studio.

If your application was only build with the landscape mode, I don’t think there are solutions except the one I told about : put your phone in the horizontal way and launch the appw it will “force” the landscape mode.
There is a solution with Android Studio but Kodular isn’t Android Studio.

@KodularCreator it seems there is an issue with Time picker
If before openning app screen is on portrait then when user start my app (screen set to landscape) then Time picker is not full visible