I’m trying to get all items newer then the current systemtime. An agenda.
I do this by comparing unix timestamps.
The content_array is a list with csv values per line.
The 7th item in a line is a unix timestamp generated on a website.
If that timestamp is larger then the current system timestamp then that line should be stored.
Getting the system time isn’t the problem.
Getting the timestamp isn’t a problem.
Getting these two values in a “is larger then” statement results in 1 empty value.
If i display the timestamp inside an agenda item, for instance changing the last item nr to 7 it works perfectly.
Oops… But it’s just a minor issue. Not the cause or solution.
When I ask for the 2 values like this all works fine. I get both timestamps in my output. When i use the values in the larger than statement I get one empty value
not at all, there is always a correct way to use things, like 2+2=4 is possible with math blocks but two plus two are not accepted in that, so always you need a correct way to use things.
Hmmm, I don’t get that one. What is not accepted? I don’t understand the problem.
When I get the value from the list inside a “larger then” math block it states it’s an empty string. Why? When i display the same select list item on screen all works fine.
I can’t get that value in designmode by clciking “Do it”. But I can get them another way, from the app’s output. I’ve written the output next to it. In this case the “select list item index 7” works fine.
you might want to provide the Do it result of the global variable content_array then…
also you could check the result of the 7th item of each of the sublists to find out the issue…
Thnx. There’s no way to get that variable. Nevermind.
You suggested that there’s something wrong with that variable. That the string was just empty, as Kodular reported.
So I added a check to see if it is a number. That’s the trick! Thank you for much for the suggestions. Problem solved.