Tiny db cant store the listview

hello… This is the situation… the values appear when i open the screen where the list view are but when i change the screen and come back the values are not there anymore. how i do to keep then.? blocks (1)

blocks (4)

You have to initialize the global variable on screen initialize. :slight_smile:

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hello…thank you for your time… i do that.

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still the problem

Convert list to csv before storing in tinydb

What’s the problem you are getting?
You have to initialize every list on screen initialize.

In your aia file, you have added ‘list from csv row text’ block in create empty list.
Annotation 2020-07-06 232627

Also, please let us know about the screen where you are adding items to the list. :slight_smile:

im adding itens —lista1 screen
when i click addbutton go to sreen listacompra

Use this block to add items to the list.
Annotation 2020-07-06 233432

Use this block to initialize list on screen initialize.
Annotation 2020-07-06 233421

Also, note that you can not save images to tiny db.

Hope it helps. :slight_smile:

did not work…:frowning:
the problem is the listview only show the last item stored.

exampleaia (2).aia (3.6 KB)

Check out this aia. It will help you. :slight_smile: