Tools extension - my second extension [FREE]

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Tools Extension - build specially for converting measurements of several things. You will also receive a list of measurements, and their values.
This extension contains function to generate random number from 0 to the number that user choose and generating radom numbers and strings.

Add a picture of all the blocks


==Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit==.
Input: ~double or integer number
Returns: ~double number

component_method (1)

==Convert Feet to Cm.==
Input: ~double or integer number
Returns: ~double number

component_method (2)

==Get all the length measurements as list.
Index 1 - Mile, index 2 - Feet, index 3 - Yard, index 4 - Inch. (This returns how much in one Km (index 1) or Cm (indexes 2, 3 and 4).)==
Returns: ~list

component_method (3)

==Get all the temperature measurements. Because it is only one (fahrenheit), it’s returned as double number.==
Returns: ~double

component_method (4)

==Get all the weight measurements as list.
Index 1 - Lb, index 2 - Oz. (This returns how much in one Kg.)==
Returns: ~list

component_method (5)

==Convert Inch to Cm.==
Input: ~double or integer number
Returns: ~double number

component_method (6)

==Convert Kg to Lb.==
Input: ~double or integer number
Returns: ~double number

component_method (7)

==Convert Kg to Oz.==
Input: ~double or integer number
Returns: ~double number

component_method (8)

==Convert Km to Mile.==
Input: ~double or integer number
Returns: ~double number

component_method (9)

==Generate random number from 0 to bigNum (0 included and bigNum-1 included).
For 54, the numbers will 0 to 53.==
Input: ~integer number
Returns: ~integer number

component_method (10)

==Enter number between 1 to 7 (number of day) and this function will return the name of the enterd day.==
Input: ~integer number
Returns: ~string

component_method (11)

==Convert Yard to Cm.==
Input: ~double or integer number
Returns: ~double number


==Generate random string from A-Z. Use it for serial number or something else.
Mark the includeSmallLetters to true if you want them.
Mark the includeDigits to true if you want them.
length is number, from 1 to your choice. It can’t be empty! by default the length is 16.==

includeSmallLetters: ~boolean
includeDigits: ~boolean
includeSpecialCharacters: ~boolean
lengthOfString: ~integer

component_event (1)
==Raises when the generade operation done. The random string will be here in varible.==
==The varibale returns String, and the lenght returns Integer.==

Versions and updates:

com.matanel.Tools.aix (11.9 ק״ב)

Relased: 2020-10-01T21:15:00Z
Updated: 2022-12-20T11:15:00Z

Credit goes to who helping me a lot, all the time - @Mohamed_Tamer.
Thanks a lot.
Hope you enjoy.
your best, and happy :kodular:oding!


Very useful extension :+1:

Thanks :grin: :thinking:


Excellent work @Matanel325.
It is a good extension which can be used to convert various units.

Keep koding…
All the best.


Awesome :+1:


Wow! That’s an interesting extension for some type of apps!! Great job! :blush::wink:


Update: version 2 relased. (free version).
the paid version will be soon when I will find a payment solution.


Update: I put paypal link for payment
the price is 6 USD (20 ILS).

1 Like

Question: which tools do you want to see in the next release?
I want to make more blocks but for now I don’t have some ideas :sweat_smile:
Thank you.

Nice start! But which of the provided functions aren’t currently possible with a little piece of math code in kodular?
Also the random things can be easily done with a list containing all letters and symbols of your keyboard and a math random block.


Yea I know that, I did this for fun and to learn a little the basics of Java (I don’t really know and this is how I’m learning).
Do you have any suggestions to next methods\extensions that I can practice making them?

Where is the link to download the free version ?

Sorry for late reply.
I updated my post, take a look :slight_smile:

Hi eveyone! I want to realse the paid version (with little extra feature) for free from now.
Now I will update the first post and upload new link to download and explain what is the new feature (in the “random string” function).

p.s: do you have some ideas for new and easy extensions to make?
