Transfer file to another cell phone via Bluetooth

Good morning Good afternoon Good night,

Today I came across a problem with my app, still finishing it.
I would like to use Bluetooth to send a file saved in tinydb to another user who will continue the service.

Like this

I started cataloging a certain product and my shift ended. When my colleague takes my place, I would like to send him the entire file I started so he can finish it.

Would it be possible with bluetooth?

I’m waiting for help…

If you have the information in tinydb you must create a file and then send it, you can use the share component that gives you multiple options


I have no idea where to start, can you help me with this?


I’m waiting for help on this screen

I want to transfer a file via Bluetooth between cell phones, where it is checking in and has stopped, to another cell phone where it will continue working…

can anyone help???

You said you didn’t know where to start, I gave you the documentation, I assume you have read, searched and tried something.
Show us your progress and where we can help you


I stopped here, how should I continue?

Dear friend,
Can you give me a line of reasoning to develop this app.

An app with 2 screens
first with name and quantity
Screen 2
Stored value and location.

By going we can send it via Bluetooth to another user.