Trouble with calculations..please help//

In these blocks , i think the values get from screen is right
its just that when i get another value from previous screen, it gets replaced…

when its supposed to be added up…

this kind of design will not work , click do it on both the tinydb and note the value then think what should do… because you no where used get item block, so no use of using for each item list block

yeah i already tried without :foreach item in list…:block…

and still the same result

Should i use tinyDB to store both width and text??

cannot understand this concept thats why unable to help on this blocks…

this is supposed to be the points/

leveling_zero is the total points accumulated from quizzes,
when i get points (EARNED label) from quiz screen, i transfer it to main menu to Leveling_zero…
then after i take another quiz, i get that value too and add it to leveling _zero

When leveling zero reaches certain points, rank image and rank label,is upgraded…

about the progressbar which is leve_points, its the same with leveling zero…when i earn points from every quiz,the progress bar will add it to its existent width percent…
but when it reaches its max percent, it goes right back to zero and add points again… this will supposed to be an indicator for the player on how close he is from leveling up//