This will not be allowed on the community. Deephost doesn’t support his extensions so questions or guides using his extensions are not accepted.
but am not giving a tutorial on how to use his extension, am just saying we need his extension in Part 2.
doest it mean i can not share a block of his extension or other developer extension.
If i cant thats cool i will find another way.
Just find another way please.
Use the simplest method provided in the guide by Taifun. Or you can see a guide made by me MySQL query to ListView
for reference.
By the way, your guide is amazing and the explanation is very easy. Eagerly waiting for the next guide by you.
Thanks Haivaan … part 2 is already getting ready
I can’t wait.
Script link has been resolve, you can now download using the same link above
if you have any other error then let me know.
Thank you…
Bug fixed… because of how the script is design … if using becrypt to hash password the script modify it before saving to database then when you want to validate you will notice the result will be you have an incorrect password if the hash contain special character… Now it is fixed you can hash with any encryption and validate without any error, Error would rather be if the user type incorrect password and not from the hash
NOTE is note compulsory to use mysql funtion if you dont how to use it. you can use your normal query, but i recommend in a sensitive table where you just need to get a row… if you want to get all column it means table is not sensitive then you can use normal query… use function as much as possible, if not possible then use normal query
you can download using the same link above.
Non PDO fan …Website version is coming soon, remain testing,
it is simple and awesome.
Still waiting…
Due to the limitation of a function A Feature is added that can get all column… now you can call a procedure that can get all columns and yet your table and columns names will be hidden
READ the tutorial again to know how to use it
Is there a solution?
for that error I will check it out and see if is from the script … And everything is getting ready for website version but am re writing it as OOP…
everything works fine from my side, there is no error, and it was tested before the procedure tutorial is release , please do you edit any part, maybe that what is causing error… the error is at line 93… Also make sure your master key is not empty. at least put something…That should solve your problem
Introducing new mysql query framwork website version of the script.
tutorial will be on github
OSQL ( optimize Mysql )
what’s all about => is all about making you to run mysql faster for managing large website
component introduction
$test = new osql (connect DB)
run normal query
$test->query(Your query)
use prepared statement
$test->prepared_query(your query)
use pdo
$test->pdo_query(your query)
get column by name (array is return loop through it get each row)
$test->column_str(column Name)
get column by number (array is return loop through it get each row)
$test-> column_init(column Number)
get number of rows
$test ->num_rows()
get last row
$test-> last_row()
get result as csv without header row
$test-> csv()
get result as csv with header
It has many features i can’t finish here
it support bind parameter
it support running many query and many more
If you wan to test before release publicly or want to support please chat me up.
Does anyone know why when I use procdure and ask for a request that is executed twice?
For example, when I insert data, it’s repeated twice in the database, or when I order something, which also repeats the return.
Hmmm … let me check if is from the script then I will know what to reply next… I will also try to insert or select using procedure… if is from the script or your app is running it twice … just give me less than 24hours for testing
Best regards,
To make sure what I’m saying is true, write a sentence like this.
Update z set a =a+1 ;
Then instead of a equal to one, it’s going to change to three, and that’s how if it’s worth three, it’s going to be worth five.
Write a full statement for me to be sure where to be targeting