UI/UX for Delivery App

Set width to 100%
Use decoration component and set margin to zero


not working ā€¦ small gap is also there ā€¦ after setting margin in decoration or width 100 %

Set marign of surrounding arrangement to 0. If not works, idk what is causing error.

setting margin 0 not worksā€¦

Strange. Have you any extensions in your screen?

Try experimenting and do something like this

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blocks (6)
actually done like thisā€¦ in terms of percentageā€¦ because different resolution of mobilesā€¦


Is this extension yours? If no then donā€™t just upload it like this, instead provide the url of the owners original topic.


Url is already mentioned in above

NO. You are posting an .AIX file. This has nothing to do with a URL. Please post



btw, is this AI2? Doesnā€™t look like Kodular.

We at Kodular donā€™t have problems with :appybuilder: :thunkable: :appinventor: blocks.


Of course. Me too. just wanted to know it. As I said, Off-topic.

I love :appybuilder: :thunkable: :appinventor: too, I actually came from :appinventor: to kodular, soā€¦ :grinning:

how are you going to show the route for delivery?

how do I leave the search bar leased like that?

Textbox inside cardview

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but how to round the search box? you are brazilian right?

Set card view radius to 50

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I see you making this custom list. Did you do it with dynamic cardview? And how do you filter the items?