Unbound location null

Behavior experienced

:white_check_mark: I have checked Kodular Fenix (v1.5.0) Bug Tracker before creating this topic

My project is continually crashing with unbound location null being the main cause taken from adb logcat. Oddly this behavior can’t be reproduced in the companion.


  1. Set text off or text on to empty for a switch component
  2. Test the result in a compiled project (.apk)

Other details


;;; Switch1

(add-component Vertical_Arrangement1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.SwitchToggle Switch1 
(set-and-coerce-property! 'Switch1 'TextOff "Text off" 'text)

(set-and-coerce-property! 'Switch1 'TextOn null 'text)

(set-and-coerce-property! 'Switch1 'Width -2 'number)


you are using switches it seems in screen1 but the text fields are left as empty. kindly fill it and try compiling, especially text ON position is empty

I’m aware of what the problem is, but the result shouldn’t be null, it should instead return an empty string.

yeah the same already reported, empty fields should be return as empty string, but after Fenix update it is returned as null only and causes app to not functioning…

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