Hello, i’m creating a simple game with a leader-board inside.
The user can input a name.
Is there a way to limit the user to use only (for example) Latin characters?
I already had the input type set to name but the user can still use non latin characters
(for example: αβγδεζη)
I want to make sure that the user will only use Latin characters.
then you can try this extension
Or You can use when on textbox.text change block. make a list of latin characters and use when text box text change event and check if text box text contains the item from list or not
You’re checking to see if the textbox contains a character from the alphabet lost. If the textbox contains even one character from it the it will always do what comes after “then” and “else” is never triggered.
You need to write blocks to check the textbox for non-latin characters and then trigger the “incorrect” notification OR you want to check the textbox to make sure it only has latin characters and if not then the notification is displayed.
Make your own keyboard in an arrangement.
That’s exactly what i needed. Where can i find that extension?
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