Unsolved Tinydb asking for payment

Please help m with this

blocks (13)

What is you question :smiley: ???

as you can see in my tableview… it displayed 4 the same data… where ID1 to ID4 have different values on it…

i want my tableview to view all the vaues directly…please help me

See my answer here… no need to post the same in different communities. …


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any help from the community please

share AIA will modify and send

Just Remove above block.

Here’s Result above.

Tinydb.aia (32.9 KB)

hi i can help you, but i cant do a complete project for you for free.

I can but you should Pay me. (PAID TASK)

@jerry2 If you want DM me

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Thank you for the offer… I configure it now.

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