Update Failed ...You uploaded an APK that is not signed with the upload certificate

As @Diego stated the Kodular system cant change keystores without serious consequences.

So lets not try to affix blame, lets understand what could have happened on your account. The keystore has been changed in some way.

Importing an AIA will not change the keystore. Think back on anything that has happened. Passowrd chage, reset your accoubt? Lets try to figure this out.

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If that AIA contained a keystore it could have been probably overwritten
When you use custom keystores, they get downloaded into AIAs
If you upload an AIA with a keystore on it, I think current one gets overwritten


Can you send that AIA to @Diego or myself, and we can see if it had one embedded. I am curious about it.

This was something new

Are you absolutely sure of this as I never heard it before



When you import a keystore, it gets added into the AIAs project
If you unzip it, you will see an android.keystore file

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I have to try this


Now you make me doubt :sweat_smile:

I am 100% sure that it gets included in Companion
If you execute ant PlayApp inside appinventor/, you will see that the file aiplayapp.aia gets generated at buildserver/build/
And that AIA contains the custom keystore used for it:

If you could confirm with normal AIAs it would be perfect
But I remember that time ago I downloaded an AIA and it contained it

But we share AIA’s all the time, Why would it have not caused an issue before?

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Maybe because AIA content modified with another tool or something.

Just tried this but unfortunately no keystore in my aia file


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me neither.

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I have Same Problem any Solution??

Try this (temporarily):

  1. Take the last aia project of your app that you have successfully updated (published).
  2. Open it with Kodular and export the keystore and save it (android.keystore).
  3. Open the current project with Kodular you want to update and build the APK.
  4. Decompile this APK e.g. with AppToMarket.
  5. Import the saved keystore (android.keystore) into AppToMarket and rebuild (recompile) the APK.
  6. Sign and zipAlign the APK
  7. upload APK (“packageName”_new_zipAlign.apk) to the Play Store

That’s how I build all my apps (APKs) before I publish them in the Play Store (AI2, Kodular, AppyBuilder). The day before yesterday, I successfully released my last app (an AI2 projekt imported to Kodular) in the Play Store. AppToMarket (APK Studio, apktool or another tool) is also useful if you want to add larger files to a project or change something else.



Aia/project doesn’t contains any keystore it’s tied to your account.

Even though it has been speculated over this above, I have never managed to find a keystore in any aia file even though I have looked on 900+ projects


Right, thanks for the hint, Boban. I downloaded my keystore when I created and published my first app and saved it locally. Since then I create almost all apps and releases with this keystore.

So if you have not saved the valid keystore, see here:

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Yes, always something to change, sorry but there is no builder out there that can do everything I want.


I do not get what you want to say. A2M works fine for such purposes.
By “change something else” I mean, for example, customize the Manifest (remove some unnecessary permissions) or android:installLocation=“auto”.

I am Export aia for backup. If I export aia file then What changes in the Keystore.

Nothing :thinking: