Update from Appy Builder

Peter is perfect your answer, sorry for disturbing

it was just a comment that I didn’t see very badly the im_pala situation, but I think it’s just what we claim and that we finished the migration work from appy builder to kodular.

You have to see that many users have a lot of work put on this and that they don’t want to lose and that we get nervous or after waiting more than 6 months and we have no response in this post,

it has only been said: Lots of code has already been migrated to Kodular. You’ll still need some update before import

but it’s not clear that if we’re the users what we have to do some updates before the migration or it’s kodular who has to do.

You’ll still need some update before import

I hope this situation will be clarified very soon and to be able to migrate everything to kodular.
Thanks a lot.


We already imported many AppyBuilder components into Kodular. Some components are visible in Kodular (e.g. GalleryViewer) and some are not visible in Kodular (e.g. Spacer). Those not-visible are for purpose of easing migration and were made not-visible because same already exist in Kodular (e.g. Space component). Some other component features were brought into existing Kodular components (e.g. from MemoryInfo into DeviceUtils).

Having said above, some AB components with same name as Kodular, can’t really be imported due to name-clash.

AppyBuilder also had DateUtils, TextUtils, ListUtils as default extensions, which, for some users, are causing import issues. Possibly we could consider adding those as hidden components (like AB Spacer) so that importing .aia with those extensions won’t cause issue.


Even though they are not the correct words of im_pala, I understand it, I understand their frustration, it is desperate not to be able to do anything about it and above all not to get an answer

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I have been waiting for 3 months for an update to continue working, but behind me there are 600 users waiting for an update of my apk to continue improving, it is not just about us.

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Thank you very much for the answer, thank you

I don’t know all this, it’s got to be you who finish this migration job.

I’m going to see if I can migrate the apps to kodular and try it to see if it fails, or not, but clear to see that blocks are lost and that everything is not the same, we are alarmed and we get nervous after the long wait,

I’m going to do all the migration tomorrow and I’m still reporting the result,

let’s see if we all put in a little bit and we can do everything better for everyone.

But they can do something: remove the incompatible components and rebuild them in Kodular.
When I switched with some apps from AI2 to Kodular, I had to rebuild a lot …

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Removing components is not the problem.

The problem is that when importing the project to kodular, too many blocks are lost in several screens.

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Then you will have to rebuild the blocks by hand. I know this will take some time. I also had to do this when going from thunkable to kodular. In my view it is always better to start over, then having the chance that something got corrupted along the way.


@Peter: To build a succesfull app from scratch again, it might be a good idea if you have plenty spare time, but for me rebuilding an app takes too much time. The idea I got was a pretty smooth transition from Appybuilder to Kodular, we just had to wait (about 6 months).

Is it an official Appybuilder-Kodular statement that non working (imported) Appybuilder apps should be build again in Kodular (from scratch) because there will be no support to do this automatically?

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No just my personal opinion.

correct said: