Update to Kodular Eagle

Well, they are still working :man_shrugging:
Thereā€™s still an hour left


Whare Is Eagle??
We need Soon Sir

indian update time?

Itā€™s on first post
If you hover/click in the :globe_with_meridians: icon they will show your timezones

Update is at 21:30 IST (Indian Standard Time)

Tikā€¦ takā€¦


Kodular Companion will also be updated? Or will it continue to work with that version? :thinking:

You will have to update it
And the Companion will bring a new feature :wink:


i canā€™t see any flaying eagle?:heart_eyes::star_struck::star_struck:

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Canā€™t wait!

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So, will the Kodular Companion update on Google Play also be available in one hour?


I think so (if Google does not delay its delivery)


Yes, itā€™s a scheduled update. As long as it has already been approved, it should be

When did u roll out?
Just asking :smile:

16 hours ago it was uploaded and approved in the Closed Alpha Track
I will just move it to Production


Iā€™m not sure if these instructions still work because I donā€™t have my computer on me but you can try this: You Can Now Schedule the Launch of Your Android App Updates

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Yeah, I know that
But the button did not appear this time, even though we already used it for other releases. I donā€™t know why it doesnā€™t appear

I was trying to find it in safari on my phone but also couldnā€™t find it. I had just assumed it was because I was on my phone. I hope they didnā€™t remove that featureā€¦

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I hope that tooā€¦
The official support page still talks about it

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