Upi payment extension

Hello koders!
I just want to know that in upi payment extension we need to use our business account upi id ? or we can use personal upi id to recieve the payment ?

Yes. You can use personal UPI id to receive payment.

I used business upi id and personal too, but payment cant initiate. you have any idea why this happening?

You need to use payment gateway to receive money from user

i used upi payment extension… is this not ok??

can u explain little bit more please. actually iam now in kodular

Ok. But if any payment app is not install in user phone. Then user cannot make payment

app is installed in users phone

Please show your block here

for example user is using paytm, then user can also see my name on payment page but cant payment through app but when he entered my upi id manually opening paytm the transaction was successful

ok i will upload screen shot

Let me try

add money button clicked

Is you tried this guide ?

no I cant understand this actually as i told you i am very new in kodular.

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Yes! Both possible.

Note: But make sure the payment app should be in app. You can use any App Installed checker. :blush:

can u explain this
upi:\pay?pa=your upi address like(googlepay@oksbi)&pn=Your name&tr=orderid(use global variable)&mc=4411&am=amount&tn=note


what is mc satnd for?

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