Upload APK Signature to Play store

Buenas tardes,
Primero de todo comentaros que soy nueva en este mundillo y pese a que ultimamente he aprendido mucho, aun hay temas que se me resisten y si son tan amables de echarme una mano, se lo agadeceria muchisimo.
Resulta que tego varias apps creadas y finalizadas y alguna de ellas me gustaria poder subirla a Play Store pero me doy cuenta de que es necesario firmarla. He intentado hacer dicha firma con las herramientas de java pero sin suerte, por lo que voy a intentar hacerlo con apk signer pero parece ser que tampoco resulta. Mis dudas son: cuando compilamos el apk con kodularlo hace en modo rebug o release? Lo compila ya con una firma predeterminada como lo hace app inventor? Tengo que firmarlo con una firma propia ya que es un tema de empresa.
Agradezco enormemente vuestra ayuda. Un cordial saludo y gracias anticipadas


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Good afternoon, First of all, I want to tell you that I am new to this world and although I have learned a lot lately, there are still topics that resist me and if you are so kind to lend me a hand, I would really appreciate it. It turns out that I have several apps created and finished and some of them I would like to be able to upload it to the Play Store but I realize that it is necessary to sign it. I have tried to make this signature with the java tools but with no luck, so I am going to try to do it with apk signer but it seems that it does not work either. My doubts are: when we compile the apk with kodularlo does it in rebug or release mode? Does it compile it already with a predetermined signature as does the inventor app? I have to sign it with my own signature since it is a company matter. I greatly appreciate your help. Kind regards and thanks in advance

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hello, have you got an answer? we have the same problem

When you create the Kodular account and go to creator then your is Keystore Automatic generated! You can see your Keystore on the Kodular Settings and download it. Keystore is your Signature.