Uploading aia Failed , Kodular Server Error?

i am trying to upload my project but it is continuously failed ,
i have try many time also try Changing Browser and Clearing Cookies but nothing Happened ,
i just download this prpoject 1 hour ago and now i am uploading it again but every time got same error

all servers are online

Are you sure it is made by you in kodular?? Sometime if the aia created with lower target adk api in another builder will cause this error too

What is the size of the aia?
How many screens are there?
Did you read the property of aia by uploading to unchive.kodular.io site?

Project is made with Kodular, most probably problem is with asset’s number

yes i made this on kodular , i dont ever use other platforms ,
and aia size is 1.3mb only
and it have 6 screens

If you wish pm your aia to check it

after removing some assets images it worked

Check your assets, do you have many ? Delete one or two images and try to upload again

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