Uploading my App to google playstore

Please what does this mean? Should I ignore?

Yes, you can ignore all of them.

But you should also check / see the screenshots of your app in the Pre-Launch Report, if everything looks as expected on different devices!

Thanks you very much. So what next do I do now.

I have seen the screenshots and they are ok. Please what next?

If you are absolutely sure that there are no more problems, then lift app from internal test to production version and publish.

Download SHA1 key from your kodular account i.e 55:E7…so on and overwrite it in your NWD_NewsApp, export that .aab file and upload, it will solve ur problem…

Thanks a lot.

Firstly I have no problem

and secondly


Thanks to whom?

I know you have no problem,Just ignore it…simple

Thanks To You…

To all of you here, I really value you all sincerely.

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