URLDecoder: Incomplete trailing escape (%) pattern Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds

URLDecoder: Incomplete trailing escape (%) pattern Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.What is the solution?

Posting the blocks and components that you used.

Can you help me?

Where did you get data.
What is format of data.
Print complete data in text after getting without decoding.
If data is in json format check online json formatter that it is correct for or not.
I think your json is not formatted well.

I think you need to see this thread another one had the same problem as yours at stackoverflow.

And solution was that % should be encoded to %25 so you can decode.
Just change it as i’ve munitioned above and it should be solved :slightly_smiling_face:

i don’t understand ,
kodular Decoder Is wrong?

Nope.You just need to encode % ( in your normal string ) to %25 it looks like it isn’t :thinking:

Do I need to encode 100%?

If it contains % so yes you need to encode it to %25

it’s correct ?

it should be so.Any way, to let you understand my point.This issue is caused because when you decode an encoded URI it should be in this pattern: Hi%21+i+got+100+%25+%21 Putting % in any other pattern then this will result this error you got.BTW, you can debug your blocks by using do it and send us what data you got.So we can understand the problem.