Using block OnDownloadStart


I have read in some posts that with the block “on download start” from the WebViewer, you can download pdf archives, but i dont know what blocks do i have to use to fill all the sockets.

Can anyone help me, please?

PS: Sorry for my english, it’a not my native languaje
PPS: My knowledge about Kodular is near to zero

Yeah, use “On Download Start” block from Webviewer in conjunction with the Download component.

Please look at this


Remove all the forward backslash and find the word .png and use it as the filename


This are the blocks I’m using by now.

But when y try to download a file, it gives back a runtime error <<can only download http/https url>> but the url is, in fact an https

@sertelccoo You are using wrongly.
-Set download url to url of web viewer.
-Set save file name by removing backslashes from the url
-Set download title to filename
Now use download file

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But, does it means that I have to set the url of every pdf document aviable in my web?

Is there aney way to set the blocks to follow the links, whatever they are?

PS: Any links are PDF documents

Do you want to open doocuments in your app something like chrome?

Thats exatly what I need

You can use @Deep_Host Custom Download Extension

Done and working using the method of this post.

Thhese are the blocks

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You have to put an empty textblock on the initialize global block.


Great, the warning stop showing. :slight_smile:

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