Video players, problems with MKV files

I am looking for a good video player that supports MKV. I’ve already tried several but none handles this type of file well, I don’t know if it’s a library problem or an extension failure.

  • Plyr 2.0.6 (With mkv it is slow and crashes, fast forward or backward loses vocal audio or lags, supports youtube and load is fast)

  • Exo Player v16 is fast loading but advancing or delaying the video crashes if other functions like timer or online DB management are running, it supports youtube but loading is slow.

Mainly what interests me is about MKV,
if you launch the playback of an mkv file and nothing is touched, they work correctly with minimal details, but as I mentioned when interacting with the controls problems arise

basically it is a master application that plays a video from a link, every second it sends the elapsed milliseconds to firebase, and the client app reads that value and synchronizes its reproduction, if one has a bad connection and must make constant adjustments it crashes, and in the master if changes are made it also collapses.

no player has problems when it comes to MP4.

thanks for the links, but in the case of EXO 1.0.5 it doesn’t support youtube links and the other one I saw has many problems