Wallpaper App coming soon

What is the name of your app?
Wallpaper app

Describe your app:
Hello, guys
i am going to publish wallpaper app as soon as on kodular. this app fully made on kodular hope you will support me with this project.
Thank you



Neat, what tool did you use to create the screenshots?

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Great UI…:wink:

You can use this app, It give pretty good Output.


Looking cool, Nice UI. Which extension you used to create grid image ?

You can design the app screenshots on Fotor.
Here is an image which I created on Fotor -

Its screenshot of a website which I created for fun.

Which extention did you use to create rounded cardview

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Yes, i use this app for screen shoot

If you are going to give paid aia then pls post it in marketplace category

Ok, i will