Want extension similar to Decoration Component

but you can add background radius

I just want rectangular border

As of now there is no possibility to do this
I request @ExtensionDevelopers to develop an extension
which works similar to Decoration component with some improvements
Please read above posts

try by setting round to false

It doesn’t meet my requirements
So I want an extension similar to Decoration component

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Please reply if you are willing to make extension
So I keep hopes
Or modify my project
The extension is one of the important things in my project

Then create a card view and set bg to none and radius to 15 and set broder as you need and padding to 0, make it fully clickable and adda lable into it. And you will get what you want.

It still doesn’t meet my requirements

Before discussing further post atleast a picture what you need. So we can get some Idea.

You can understand by reading this
I just want border
It will be good if we can set parameters in the extension

  1. Border color
  2. Border width
  3. Border Corner Radius

And there should be a function to remove all decoration of a component when needed

Similar to Decoration Component but with out Background color

You need like this ?

Changes to your examples:
I want mostly Rectangular border
The component should be as it should

Like this

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It will be good if I can to select border style

  1. Line ---------------------------------
  2. Or like this - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@themaayur see this


I think so How to remove Decoration from a Component (Set Shape Block) this looks better.

I think so it is not possible, but can’t say anything because I never tried.
But with decoration its not possible.