Want To Implement RoboFlow's API In My Project

Hi I Am Building An App Which Identifies The Fruits And Also Makes Use Of The Image To Find The Quality Of The Fruit Using RoboFlows API I Convert The Image To Base 64 So I Just Need To Send The Request And Classify The Results Please help me in building the blocks

one of the cURL Given By Gemini

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Token l7C0y07Thwda2CyAHThy" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"image":"data:image/jpeg;base64,[YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE_DATA]}' https://detect.roboflow.com/fruitqualitydetection_demo1-w7ouw/2

Dm me I will make extension for you

Which response content do you get in the Web.GotText event?
What about providing a link to the API documentation?
There is no need in using an extension… you only have to use the blocks correctly according to the documentation
