Want white Notifier in default theme

When we build an app with default theme, In default theme notifier is grey coloured.

Which not looks good.

We want it in white background.

As it looks very nice and professional.

There is option to select light theme in notifier properties but its not working, i think its a bug.

Problems with notifier background colour are discussed here but not got any solution.

Do you want white notifier in default theme?

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Set notifier theme to light from notifier properties

Read docs this is from docs
LightTheme: To display the dialogs in a light or dark theme

I know about it but actually its not working.

I have tried and explained both methods in below topic:

I know that we can get white notifier by using light theme of app but other properties such as title bar text colour also changes to black according to light theme thats why i want white notifier in default theme.

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