Web view not opening with link saved in airtable

Saved link in airtable and open web viwerbut it not open shows error HTTPS://%28www.google.com29%

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Can you show how you wrote that link in your airtable !!!

Have you given any space while writing ?

Trying writing in this format :point_down:


Yes I copied link created by google docs

Which link have you tried ?

Does that link worked in chrome or any other browser ?

Yes it’s a google form link .I created quiz and link saved in airtable it gets valyu but not open that url

It works well it don’t have any problems to use !!

Show your blocks so that i can help where you did wrong !!!

You may also try changing url to check whether the blocks are correct or not !!!

Pls some one help

I am chemistry teacher not professional coader

Try using this method, problem might be due to columns as it is getting 10 rows !!!

blocks (27)

blocks (28)

I am also a chemistry teacher only. To simply your problem you no need to be a coder, just check your logics and getting values or not? If anywhere you missed you cannot get the result …
From your blocks section, right click the mouse, download your blocks as image and share. There by you can get problem solved soon if not it will go in like Hanuman tail

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You can ping me even if your problem is not solved yet.

Because we are same group

Not open with got cell

The prob is not value .I am getting value from airtable .Now web viwer is not opening the web site

Show us how did you set to open the obtained value of airtable to web viewer


What @Still-learning may be writing ? :thinking:

Found the problem , you are trying to open all the obtained value in web viewer like it seems.

Use select list item block to open specific web url alone in web viewer.
.As per you blocks , web sheet contains 10 url and you are trying to open all the tell.

Am i right ? @Manish_chonkar

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