WebView Auto Call

Hello, I need help setting up blocks in Kodular to create an app that makes a call automatically when a button inside a WebView is clicked.

:pushpin: What I Want to Achieve:

I have a WebView inside my app that loads a website.

The website contains two input fields:

  1. One for entering a code.

  2. One for entering a phone number.

There is a “Call” button on the website.

When the button is clicked, the app should make a call directly without opening the default phone dialer.

:pushpin: How the Button Works on the Website:

When the user clicks the Call button, the website generates a custom URL like:


Where CODE is the value entered by the user.

:pushpin: What I Need in the App:

  1. Detect when the WebView opens a URL starting with “customcall://”.

  2. Extract the phone number from the custom URL.

  3. Use Activity Starter to make the call automatically.

  4. Request CALL_PHONE permission to allow the app to make calls.

:pushpin: What I Need from You:

A screenshot of the blocks showing how to:

  1. Detect custom URLs inside WebView.

  2. Extract the number from the custom URL.

  3. Make a call using Activity Starter.

  4. Request CALL_PHONE permission to ensure the app works correctly.

:bulb: If anyone can share a screenshot of the blocks, it would be really helpful!
Thank you in advance! :pray:

Every button, textbox will have a id, so just by using js code to extract. Using this getElementByID you can achieve what and all you are expecting to achieve. Multiple guides and topics are available in our community

Bagaimana koneksi otomatis dapat dieksekusi ketika Anda menekan tautan khusus di dalam WebView di Kodular

How can I make a WebView detect a custom URL and trigger an automatic phone call in Kodular?