Webview crash with kodular fenix android 6

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Webview(Normal one) crashes in android 6
wihout any message. it just crashes and i tried to use customwebview but it also crashed

It started to happening with new Android webview update

I noticed my old apk’s working but new ones crashing (eagle)

Show your Blocks

I just used load html(also tried load url now) when clicked a button

Android version


You didn’t show the blocks.

Its normal webview(i tried go to url in it) and it crashes

this is the customwebview(load html) this also crashes

when i remove webview part it not crashes

Which version of CustomWebView are you using?

the new version

When i try old exported apk projects they work but new exported apk its crashing

Is no one gonna help me my old apps work but if i update them they crashing

I want to countine making browser apps please help

This is what happens when i try to open my app

Old export works

When i export my app now it crashes