Webview Doesn't work with html link

I don’t know what problem you’re fetching. But, I am using html files on app app for a long time without any error… :relaxed:

You don’t seem to understand what the thread is about

In your example you are controlling your html files with the buttons component and that’s not what we’re looking for

Try this example and make it work


Until this bug is fixed, use the extension KIO4_CreateWebView from Juan:

HTML_createWebView.aia (30.4 KB)
HTML_createWebView.apk (4.2 MB)


Nice work @bodymindpower

Including Taifun’s tools extension to simplify the code App Inventor Extensions: Tools | Pura Vida Apps

@adrianjael15 now you have a temporary solution


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Thanks Boban, I always try to use as few extensions as possible, so without Taifun’s Tools extension:


thanks it works perfectly,

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