Spent the past 7 months learning here from scratch. Made my app that uses AI to help students with their homework. No ads, no data collection, nothing shady at all. It was a sincere attempt at doing something new and interesting. Read the rules. Made sure to use no 3rd party content, made images with AI and Illustrator. The only 3rd party thing there is Google’s own free font.
Took weeks to go through all the checklists and review by google. One day I woke up to see that review was done and I was good to go
Took this photo to share the good news with a buddy.
Didn’t even touch the account yet and less than an hour later I got an email about account termination. Skipping right past all the other stages like rejection or suspension, I got termination.
According to Google’s own policy (Enforcement Process - Play Console Help) there are several stages before termination, which I never even saw. Was never given a chance to fix anything.
And it started unfolding into a cruel nightmare. The termination email provides no detail and only says “prior violations” which points to Google thinking that I am someone who was already banned and trying to publish again. I know it’s my first app, I just learned how to make them.
How would one go about proving to be here for the first time? How to prove that you are not a donkey? Especially prove something to someone who isn’t actually listening:
Email said “contact support” if you have questions and provided a link. Great! Only the link brings me right back to the termination notice, not any kind of support. Ok, not to worry, I will contact support through the site. Oh, only to do so you need developer ID which is taken away from you when the account gets terminated. Some discussions online recommend writing to google play support. I did. Got “I’m sorry but you have reached Google Play and we have expertise in apps & purchase only.”
There was one more link to troubleshooter Contact Google Play about an account termination, app removal, or suspension - Play Console Help Here, if you click “my account was terminated please help”, you get “too bad for you, sucker” and provides no option to speak to a person, just says to appeal.
The appeal went as you would expect: got " We can confirm that we have identified a pattern of high risk or abuse associated with your Developer Account and have taken this action pursuant to Section 8.3 or 10.3 of Google Play’s Developer Distribution Agreement. As we previously explained, in order to prevent bad-faith developers from gaming our systems and putting our users at risk in the process, we can’t share the reasons we’ve concluded that your account is at high risk." Which means anything and nothing at the same time.
Section 8.3 says that if I am a scammer or lying about collecting data, I will get banned. Fair. 10.3 just says that google reserves the right to terminate accounts. Still don’t seem like anything I could learn from. And most imprtantly, appearantly I dont deserve a fair trial or even a hint of a human interaction. Life time ban sprinkled with " Please do not attempt to register a new developer account. Any new accounts will be closed, and your developer registration fee will not be refunded."
Dear community, what is going on? does anyone have an answer or a recommendation? I haven’t slep in a while, going crazy, I’ve spent so much effort and time on it. This is so unjust, actually makes me sick