What am I missing in this block?

I’m pulling firebase to a value that I consider a TAG. So I created a logic for: If there is no value (value 0) in this tag, then give me a message xxxxxxxxxx. Otherwise show me the value you entered.
So I created these blocks, but when I execute, an error appears when the tag value / index is = 0 (or empty).

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an empty string is not a list



I still couldn’t solve the block. I did the reading of the informed subjects but still couldn’t solve it.

Can anyone help me one more time?


Everything is fine but
Is that value a list​:pleading_face:?
And if any error occur then you should check by notifier that where is the main problem

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Yes. There is a list. What happens is some data in the list is not informed. And in that case, I want users to be notified.
Otherwise, show or data (value) entered.

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use Do it to debug your blocks…
see tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps

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