What is happening with admob test mode?

Since last night show up a real ads, not the ads for the test, I don’t even put my AdUnit Id and I don’t know why show up real ads not test ad.
This not happening with Kodular Companion.

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Are you sure do you have test mode enabled?

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Yes bro, I’m sure 100% and I don’t even put my AdUnit Id.
You can try if you want, but you should export apk don’t use Kodular Companion.

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Just look again into the ad.
Then you will see the word “Test Ad”.

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This already makes sense

Yes I see the “Test Ad” I want to know if there is any problem with admob, because I thought that admob test was like this:

Maybe google changed her system. I don’t know.

But as you can see the word “Test Ad” it is really a test ad and no bug or else.


I think these ads are of Kodular. Maybe

I understand… Thank you!

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No… we can not hack admob ads from google…


I think…

Yes, but not with admob test…

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It’s a nice way for companies to get free advertisement :joy: even if it might just be developers, there are a lot of em.